Saturday, November 10, 2007

Conditions in Haiti

I cut and pasted this article from a tab in the Three Angels Children's Relief website. I think it explains the need in Haiti quite well. Can you believe this is only a 90 minute flight from Florida?

Halos Medical Clinic at Three Angels Children’s Relief
The Need in Haiti
Although Haiti is only a 90 minute plane ride from Florida, it is the most impoverished country in the entire Western Hemisphere. The health of the people of Haiti is also ranked as the worst in the Americas. The bulk of the population, living in abject poverty, bears the brunt of the burden of disease and has little access to health care, especially in rural areas. The 2005 World Health Report estimates that the Haitian government spends only $2 per capita on healthcare each year, accounting for about 40 percent of national expenditures on health. Health insurance is not affordable or even available for most Haitians (Partners in Health – 2006).
It is estimated that only 1 in 10,000 Haitian citizens has access to medical care in Haiti.
Compared to similar countries, Haiti has the highest mortality rate for pregnant women, infants, and children under 5.
Approximately 1 in 17 infants die before their first birthday and 1 in 7 children die before their fifth birthday. The mortality rate for children under 5 in the neighboring country of Cuba is only 1 death per 133 children (UNICEF, Partners in Health).
Over 50% of the population is undernourished.
Haiti ranks as one of three countries in the world with the worst daily caloric deficit with 2.4 million Haitians unable to afford the minimum daily calories recommended by the World Health Organization.
The leading causes of death in Haitian children are all preventable or easily treated; these include lower respiratory infections, diarrhea, malnutrition, tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV/AIDS.

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